Wednesday, April 01, 2009

So I had this mixed salad that got frozeded. And I heard about this red cabbage gender test. If it turns red it's a boy, purple it's a girl. So I yanked out the red cabbage from the icy salad bag, chopped it and made the "tea" from it. I had this lovely pink liquid.

This morning I added my contribution to it. It turned exactly the color you'd expect of mixing yellowish clear with pink - light orangey. What? I think the change is supposed to be more clear if there's a girl, something about more uric acid from a girl, but I'm not running out to buy blue any time soon.

April 30 I will know if this bubs cooperates. Till then, I will follow the wives tales and boil more cabbage or whatever is asked of me. Just not the drano. I'm already smell sensitive enough, I don't need *actual* toxic fumes involved.

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