Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Oh I am such a super slacker. Let's see what goes on here.

Only about 3 1/2 weeks left until we are a family of five. No, we haven't chosen his name, and since some events this weekend (OH NO I HATE THAT NAME) we're not discussing it any more. Also, we'll probably choose the name that YOU HATE mostly because you're such a twat about it. Okay, not really. Plans for a vbac are still on, still good. I feel great, even though my blood pressure is still creeping up. No one is mentioning taking him early though so I'm good. I am, however, prepared. My bag is packed, the changing table stocked, and I'm about to wash the cosleeper linens.

The boy started first grade. The transition wasn't quite like kindergarten, but he still shed a few tears. Today we visited him at lunch and that was happy, but he got a mite sad when we had to go.

Speaking of which, the reason we were there was because the babygirl is starting preschool. Tomorrow is a "real" day with getting up early and all, but today we just filled out forms and met the teachers and all. She is very super excited. She charmed all of the teachers and checked out most of the room. She can't wait to meet Rocco (Wocko!) tomorrow, whom she knows nothing about other than he has a brother with the same name as hers. 

I am rather glad that I will have a few mornings to myself before the baby thing begins. Hopefully more than a few.

A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about my twice weekly appointments, and how lucky I am to have great healthcare. The very next day, my daughter put a bead in her nose. And it really hit home. I was able to go to the pediatrician and a specialist, that very day, and only pay my regular copay. Also, the bead was never heard from again, but she's fine. Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're still feeling good. Good luck with everything to come in the next month or so! Can't wait to see hear all about the new little man :o)
