Thursday, January 27, 2005

We finally have Nino to the point where we can lay him down in his crib and he sleeps through. Two long years later. He hasn't been in our bed in two weeks, and it's working great for us, and is great for the weaning process.

So dh got home right at bedtime last night and hadn't seen Nino at all so he decided he needed to come in our bed. Never.Again. I slept poorly with my boobs being grabbed for 4 hours, all of us being prodded and kicked, when I stuck boy in his crib (I asked T to do it earlier, rrg) and we all got some much needed rest. It was 2:30 am, I'm finally settling boy in, and cursing my husband.

Anyhoo, at least this morning when I told T that was no longer an option, he totally understood. Tonight will be better.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Well done, Nino!