Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thirty days of gratitude.

As Thanksgiving is about a month away, I am going to try to post every day until then with at least one thing I"m thankful for. Since this is day one, and the baby is napping, I have a few.

1. The baby is napping.
2. It's unseasonably warm out (trying not to let myself freak out about it and just enjoy it).
3. Just unloaded shite from the car.
4. Husband's client didn't freak out when his company effed up (accident, but yes).
5. I ran even though I"m immmensely sore and didn't do it quite right. But many times I take that as an excuse just to slack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea to be thankful every day. I am feeling kind of thankful for JD Drew at the moment, hehe. That and the idea of taking C to buy some more fish for the work aquarium so that S and I have some mama & son time to take a walk. Except he doesn't want to go. ;)