Thursday, January 08, 2009

Today we got an invitation to the inauguration! I would love to go. But 5 million people, outdoors, in January, in somewhere only slightly more temperate than here, isn't such a great idea. Maybe if we visit in June, we'll actually get to see the tall man. So we wrote him a letter about that, and drew a picture of an ice breaker/truck/sidewalk plow which the boy thinks will be very useful on the sidewalks of DC. Oh I love him.

Also, this morning, the girl said to me, "let's make cookies!" and you know, I was up for that. The pictures are really great. She is helpful when she knows she'll get to eat much dough. She called it cereal. I mean, yes, it's oatmeal based, but it differs rather substantially when done.

1 comment:

The Maven said...

Dude! You got invited to the inauguration? That's so amazing! Another amazing thing is that Soon-to-be-President Obama is coming to Canada on his first official visit. And where do I live? Why, the capital! I'm sure there will be some serious celebrating and I fully plan on being there. So exciting!