Thursday, March 12, 2009

Inspired by Cheri, here is my life by the numbers.

10. Tulip bulbs planted in our yard last fall. Soon we shall know our success rate.
9. Weeks until I'm halfway through this pregnancy. And will know gender!
8. How many times Mary Poppins has been watched this week. We have to return it soon. And buy our own copy.
7. Number of months until I meet number 3!
6. Approximate number of hours I slept last night.
5. Junk food items bought at ill-timed midday lunch trip.
4. Number of females in the summer house situation, as opposed to my son's 1 male.
3. Pots of tomato seeds on the windowsill. They actually have half grape tomatoes in them. I'm not sure how that will work out.
2. Time at which little girl came into bed last night. Yawn.
1. Still, the number of operational side view mirrors on my car. Not.happy.


Anonymous said...

good post idea. like this!

The Maven said...

How did I miss you were pregnant? OMG! I knew you were trying and hoping but... You're PREGNANT!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what #3 is going to be.

... That being said, you decided to try for a third even after reading stories on my blog? Have you considered a psych eval? Just sayin'. Although you seemed rather sane when I met you all those years ago. Still...

Hil said...

I know. I am not sure how many kinds of crazy we are but it's more than one. The girl will be in half day school and the boy in six glorious hours, plus another hour of travel to and fro, so I'm hoping I can pretend that it's reasonable. Hoping.