Monday, August 01, 2005

My son now says his name and address. Cracks me up. Only we know what he means. "Atch-a-bew-chee". "I live in Mass-uh-chew-sits!"
Good weekend. Started music classes on Friday. He loved it. Rhythm sticks, xylophones, dancing. Fun. And we have the cd so he keeps saying "momma! We sang this at music class!!" Went to the park for an evening concert Friday. Nino loved his broccoli and everyone around us was amazed."Broccoli yummy yummy!!"
And last night on the way home, he fell asleep at 5:30. I was entirely ready to wake up for the day at 4 and was pleasantly surprised that he slept right on through until 7:30. I guess he was a tired boy.

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