Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well, the boy is 3 days into summer vacation. And it's been raining for approximately 40 days and 40 nights. I think it's a bad sign that God hasn't talked to me. Yet.

Also, the house is back on the market. It took like 3 weeks to get a showing request and we thought it was bad news. But now it's picking up and there's no place to move to. I'm not entirely sure what to do. Other than hope that the house is still clean enough from yesterday's showing for tomorrow's.

We saw UP today. It was a fun beginning of vacation event, I ate too much popcorn and cried a few times. I think my six year old saying "she died huh?" makes it even sadder. I hope that's not a spoiler, it's about 6 minutes in to the movie. We all liked it and it aided an early bedtime. Although when we got out at 4:30, the girl said "momma, it's another day!" The movies do that to even grownups.

Oh also, I had another ultrasound yesterday. At the hospital, where I went alone, so because of earlier dream, I was freaked out. All was fine, and now I get them once a month or so to check on growth, because my blood pressure is mad. Which it always is. Especially with two kids and a house on the market. This will be the first time it's medicated, actually. I get to take something, starting tomorrow. Let's just hope it doesn't mess with my vbac plans. The doctor said it might, but I'm fortunate that I have a history of naturally punctually going into labor. Even the time I didn't need to and was really hoping for a few more days of sleep and had a nice appointment already lined up . . . but the girl has been like that. ;o)

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