Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sooo happy!!

I'm back! Everything was fine, other than the fact that everything took *forever*. Lucky the office is slow or my secret would be out. Bean is measuring 7w6d, which according to O date is spot on (I'm 8w2d LMP, but I know I o'ed around d17). Heartrate of 147, and yes, there's only one. ;o)

I'm thinking boy, as G's first heart rate was 150. But who knows right? I'm just on cloud nine.

I just loved seeing that little blob with the flicker. It was at the hospital, so it wasn't set up for me to see like in the ob's office. So I'm trying to read the tech/hubby's faces. All of a sudden hubby smiles and goes "is that a *baby*?!?" and the tech just grinned and said "yup!"

They gave us a pic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awh! It's a beautiful bean! I see the fetus and well defined yolk sac perfectly! Congrats again!