Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Had the fun of my first non-stress test yesterday. I had a headache which with my BP issues can mean something. So I called to see what else I could take . . . 2 hours later I'm at the birth center with monitors all over. I did, however, get to check out the new tub. I so want to use this tub.

And read vogue. This very bizarre ad where this woman had an octopus on her head. Image hosted by

So I was telling hubby about it, as a while back there was a Jamie Kennedy show that in volved models and bugs in their mouth. Nino was there and goes "OH MY GOD!!" his use of that phrase just cracked us up. Lots. Then he went on to say that the octopus needs to go back in the Merrimack River.

Oh ya. And I was reading the sheet on The Version today, where they say things like "breech deliveries have a higher rate of c-section". Does this possibly mean that my doc will do vaginal breech deliveries? Can I do a little happy dance? I'd love that. That'd be cool. For her life I could tell her she came out arse first.

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